Linux Application’s Windows Management setup on Manjaro Linux(Arch based) and other Linux Distro

manoj anasuri
2 min readDec 19, 2020

Users who are new to Linux find it difficult in using Linux, as Linux out of the box doesn’t support various keyboard shortcuts like Windows or macOS

In most of the Linux distro’s, we have to configure manually by commands in the terminal which for most beginners feels tough to do.

There are many GUI tools to add different keyboard shortcuts but for most of them, we don't know specific commands to execute. In Compiz, we can set keyboard shortcuts for specific actions. Out of many tools, the Compiz window manager does the job well.

To install Compiz:

In Debian-based distros(Debian,Ubuntu,PopOS,Linux Mint,…):

Enter the below commands in the terminal:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install compiz

In Arch-based distro’s(Arch Linux, Manjaro Linux,…):

Enter the below commands in the terminal:

sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S compiz

After installing Compiz, open the app from the app menu:

Go to Window Management Option at the bottom left in the app category menu:

In the Window Management category, Click on any option in the window management section.For example, I’ve clicked on the Grid option:

In Grid option,we have multiple actions to set-up keyboard shortcuts,click on pencil icon next to the predefined keyboard shortcut to assign our desired shortcut key:

After configuring the keyboard shortcuts in Compiz, reboot the system and that's it.

By this,we can set keyboard shortcuts with ease in Linux which are natively available in windows and macOS

